
The division does not defer ANY repairs.  Contact the local facility if you have any concerns with your vehicle.


Vehicles located in the Reno/Sparks, Carson City, Las Vegas areas

These vehicles are repaired at the local facilities only. The using agency needs to contact the local facility for an appointment.  Vehicles repaired at these locations will also have the exterior washed and the interior vacuumed.

Vehicles located in rural locations

These vehicles are repaired at local vendors.

To request repairs, please follow these steps.

  • Contact the service department at (775) 684-1885
  • The service department will instruct the driver on which vendor to utilize.
  • Upon arriving at the vendor, inform the vendor that the vehicle needs to be billed to the division not the using agency.  Instruct the vendor to contact the service department for approval prior to performing any repairs.
  • When the vendor contacts the service department for approval, the service technician will advise the vendor of what repairs need to be done.
  • Once the repairs are done, the vendor will contact the division for payment.  The vendor will send the original invoice to the division.  The agency does not need to forward any copies of the invoices.

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