How We Bill

The division produces two billings per month; short-term rental billing and long-term rental billing.  The short-term rental billing is usually completed by the 5th working day of the month.  The long-term rental billing is completed by the 15th day of the month.


    Short-Term Rental Billing

    The short-term rental billing is normally processed by the 5th working day of the month.  Agencies set up an automatic fund transfer will receive a billing advice and a detail sheet.  Be advised the agency may receive the hard copies of the billing before the charges have been processed through the controller's office.  Please contact the Carson City office for all billing questions.

      Long-Term Rental Billing

      All agencies having long-term assigned vehicles are required to submit a monthly mileage report (MP-3) for each vehicle.  These reports are due by the 5th working day of the month.  Any reports received after the 5th working day will be subject to a $10.00 per day per vehicle late charge.  Agencies can email, fax or mail the reports to the Carson City office.

      The billing for the long-term assigned vehicles is processed by the 15th day of the month.  All agencies having long-term assigned vehicles are set up on the  automatic fund transfer process.  The agency will receive a billing advice and a detail sheet.  Contact the Carson City office for all billing questions.

        Maintenace and Repair Billing

        Agencies using the division for maintenace, repairs and car washes must submit a completed MP-6 Service Request form upon completion of the work.  The agency will receive a work order showing all charges when they pickup the vehicle. These charges are processed throughout the month.